Contact form
Fill out all necessary items and hit the [confirm] button, then confirm the contents and press [send].
We will get back to your enquiries as soon as possible.
Remarks about the enquiry form
Please make sure your email address is correctly entered (in alphabets and numbers).
Please be mindful that half-width katakana Japanese characters may be garbled.
Please be mindful that full-width dash “―” and symbol “~” may be garbled.
An auto-reply will be sent to your email address. Please give us a call if you could not receive the reply as there may be errors in the address entered.
Personal Information Privacy Policy
Personal information is secured in our website under the following privacy policies.
- All personal information collected will not be used for any other reasons other than the clear specifications.
- We manage all personal information safely to prevent leaks.
- We appropriately use the collected personal information and we are not going to illegally provide the information to any third party.
- We quickly act in response to providers’ requests of revealing, amendment, deletion, and usage termination of any personal information. Moreover, we try our best to keep the information update and accurate.
You can also contact us from LINE or WeChat.
Enquiries are welcomed 24 hours a day.No regular holidays.