RIMAYA Nekozakura is a small specialty cat shop in Oyabe-shi, Toyama prefecture.
    We are one of the very rare cat breeders in Japan breeding and selling
    Savannah *(F1, F2, F3) and
    Bengal (SBT).
    F1 Savannah refers the cats with Serval as one of their parents.

    We treasure and nurture every single kitty as our family member.
    We provide support and answer queries throughout the process from your visit till after purchase.

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    About Visit

    Visits are all by reservation. Please enquire through the following form to schedule your visit.

    Please download "WeChat"app and add ID "maya-324"

    Savannah is a crossbreed between pet kitty and Serval, a kind of wild Felidae. Very different from theor wild appearance, they are baby-like with lovely characters.

    Bengal refer to the crossbreed between pet kitty and a crossbreed called Asian Leopard Cat. They are calm, sociable, and they love people.


    RIMAYA Nekozakura provides after-sale warranty in various worrying cases.


    RIMAYA Nekozakura supports cat import procedures, even for difficult species.



    うちの猫達は子どもと一緒に21時前に寝室へ行き就寝(_ _).。o○ 普段は朝5時前に私が起きると一緒に起きます。 今日土曜日はゆっくり寝ようと思ってたら…5時半に猫達に起こされました…꒰。・ω・`;꒱*:・なめる子、フミフミする子、ひっかく子、なきまくる子、起こし方はそれぞれですが…起こされます… アリスちゃんは朝からいっぱい遊んでもうお昼寝タイム(^_^;) ♡11月出産予定です♡

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